Campaign Prayer

Heavenly Father, we praise and thank you for blessing us in so many ways, especially for the beautiful nature that surrounds us, and for the lasting community of faith that continues growing in the heights of these mountains.

We ask that your will be fulfilled as we begin this historic project of two new churches. We are confident that their presence will give you glory and benefit greatly our Catholic community in Eagle County.

Guide us during this time of sacrifice, so that, with your help, we may generously give our time, talents, and treasure to this endeavor, keeping you always present in our hearts and minds.

Bless our journey, Lord God, so that through all our efforts, we may build that Church that you already planned for generations to come.

We ask this through the intercession of our beloved patron saints who faithfully protect the Catholic parishes in the Valley. Saint Mary, our Mother in heaven, Saint Clare of Assisi and Saint Patrick.